Have to be honest it has been hard trying to find anything to write on the blog this month, we are in Mid-February and all is still on track and we have been sharing the odd snippet panel on social media as the pages are being illustrated which I hope you all like.
Earlier in the month I had the great pleasure to be introduced to Matt Kay of MKA Creatives through our very own Sean from the LG team. Matt as it turns out has a passion for horror graphic novels as let’s say a sort of hobby and they provide some clear the head time from running his busy creative company with Henry his business partner. We had a brilliant zoom call and me being a bit of an old timer and not at all techy finally managed to work out how to load zoom up on my mac!
After sharing some of the story with Matt I think it is safe to say I London Gothicfied him and he was hooked, so watch this space because there may be some exciting things in the pipeline to share with you all and team LG are really looking forward to working with the amazing creative minds of Matt and Henry.
One thing we chatted about which jogged a few memories was me explaining to Matt how I got the idea for LG, and why the setting of London.
It took me way back to my youth where looking back I was actually part of a group of feral children from a seriously deprived area. We would often go on our own little adventures wandering the streets of London, exploring some amazing places and extremely sinister looking buildings that you would only find upon looking deep into London’s history and I was absolutely enthralled, my imagination could run wild and we would visit streets of cobbled streets and old buildings by the side of the Thames where you could imagine characters like Jack the Ripper roaming in the misty alleyways ready to pounce upon another unsuspecting victim.
This gave me the idea for LG at a very early age, all that was needed was the inspiration to put all the characters together and write a story……….35 years on and it happened!
If there is any piece of advice, I could give to anyone for what it’s worth is never, ever, ever give up on your dream, just pick the right time to put it into action and go for it with head and heart.
Well, that is all for now our wonderful London Gothic’ers we will update you all again soon.
In the meantime, and in Jellico’s immortal words on the current lockdown……
“Will ya jus hurry up an open da feckin pubs, me troats as dry as a nuns knickersâ€
Gawd Bless you all
Nick Henry – Team LG
Creator & Author