Well, hello my wonderful fellow London Gothicers hope you are all grand.
This year seems to have flown by, and a mega busy year for us here at LG HQ!
We finished Chapter 1, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign, attended our first comic cons and looking forward to 2023 and bringing you amazing followers the next instalment of LG…..Chapter 2.
Speaking of which Chapter 2 is going really well, Mike is 70% through illustrating, the colour flats are coming along nicely and we have engaged the services of none other than Mr Pete Gilmore to produce our Chapter 2 standard cover, if you are not aware of Pete’s work then I suggest look him up, he’s an absolutely amazing illustrator who specialises in horror and the supernatural and has a huge following, we were so lucky that he actually wanted to get on board with us because he is currently very busy promoting his comic Jack the Ripper Vampire Hunter 2 to great success with Mandy Sommer so welcome to the team LG Pete.
Watch this space for some exciting LG future projects we have planned to work with Pete.
We would also like to thank Lucifer Storm who helped us with a few niggles we had on Chapter 1, he’s a brilliant horror comic writer and is just finishing up with Ed Gein Demon Hunter, which I have to say is a cracking read and if you haven’t already on board you really should.
So onto the cons….
Our first con was great and very local to me and Mrs Witch in Kent, we had a brilliant day and met loads of fab people and couldn’t resist a few photo opportunities, although a 1 day event it went great and the organisers and other traders were fab.
Then Mike and I went to London Olympia for the 2-day comic con event, we were absolutely blown away by people coming to our humble little table and had heard or seen us online somewhere or other, we really were taken aback at how many superfans and upcoming ones we had, it makes all the hard work, sleepless nights and constant juggling with day jobs all worthwhile.
We thank you all so very much and cannot wait to meet you all again next year where we are already booked into 6 events around the country and incredibly excited to bring Chapter 2 to the masses, I will provide dates of cons we will be attending in the next blog which will no doubt have increased by then.
That’s all for now you beautiful mob, we’ll update you again soon but, in the meantime, stay safe and have a fab Xmas & New Year….
Gawd Bless you all
Nick Henry, Team LG